INDIEFLOW is founded by YACOBEH & BERI, around 2016. Both are fire performers and flow artists. IndieFlow was created with the intention of spreading flow arts in India. All workshops, jams, events and even the props are personally curated and made by the founders.

Yacobeh is the Founder and CTO of IndieFlow. He is a Flow Artist and Fire Performer currently based in Bangalore. He started his flow journey back in 2014 when no one knew about flow arts. He has played an instrumental role is setting up and spreading the flow arts community. A self-taught practitioner, he primarily spins Poi and Leviwand, along with various other props such as Palm Torches, Puppyhammer, Staff and Dapostar. A prolific and enthusiastic performer, his love for Flow Arts is immediately apparent in his unique flow style, which combines aspects of dance and juggling into his flow.
He has hosted multiple Poi workshops and jams over the past few years. Prop making is his speciality and he is the go-to guy if you want to make any custom props.
BERI (Sarena Beriwala) is the cofounder & CEO of IndieFlow. She is a Flow Artist, Fire Performer and a Lawyer. Being a dancer since she was little, her interest in Flow Arts began during her time in law school. Beri loves playing and dancing with various props. She is a hula hoop and poi facilitator and has created her “HoopDancewithBeri” course for all budding hoopers in the country and the world around.
As a fire performer, Beri dances and performs with her Fire Fans, Palm Torches, Fire Poi and Fire Orb. Forever a learner, she is continuously working towards adding more props, tricks and movement forms to her skill set.
Beri says, “It’s important to move in this city-life we live in. What better way than playing with toys. I definitely wants flow arts to be well recognised amongst the existing movement forms in India.”
You can find BERI on all social media as @sarenaberi